Monday, November 12, 2007

The Difference between Nerds & Geeks

So to clarify, as some people have no idea what the difference between a Nerd and a Geek is, have uncovered this handy reference for everybody. I hope it will be of some help and in so doing, you will be able call me the correct slur.

How to tell the difference between Nerds & Geeks.

One often has heard the terms "nerd" and "geek." Often these terms are used interchangeably, but they are not the same. For the remainder of the article, these general definitions will be used.

A "nerd" is someone with an obscure (to the general American populace) academically intense interest, such as math, science, 17th century English literature, and so on. Being a nerd automatically implies intellect.

A "geek" is someone with just an obscure interest, but not necessarily an academic one. For instance, Star Trek, World of Warcraft, or something that involves imagination. A "nerd" is a logically stronger condition than a geek. Nerds are obviously geeks, but not all geeks are nerds.

Finally a "dork" is a trivial case of just not being socially adept. Obviously, the terms "dork" and "nerd" (and therefore geek), can occur in the same person, and often do.


  1. To determine if the individual in question is a geek or a nerd, first engage the person in conversation.
  2. If the person fails to engage in any normal way, you have a simple case of a dork. If not, you have either a geek or a nerd, so continue talking.
  3. Inquire on the person's interests. If they begin to become insecure and make references to "stupid hobbies" or any other self-deprecating fare, you are talking with a geek. The self-deprecation is a defense mechanism, because they are assuming you are a normal person which will deride them upon hearing they are obsessed with Naruto. They know at this point that you are not obsessed with Naruto, so they are ready for you to make fun of them. If none of this happens, continue on...
  4. If continuing, they have alluded to interests but have not expounded upon them, have not engaged in self-deprecation, or have said such things as "you probably wouldn't be interested", you are talking to a true nerd. They are saying these things for your benefit because you simply wouldn't be able understand the dynamics, or even perhaps the basic content of what their interest is. Also, they are probably aware that they have lost people times before, so they are just attempting to "keep it light". The lack of self-deprecation does not necessarily imply self-confidence, but a lack of need to defend their interest from the general populace, because unlike the geek, the general populace has no idea what to think about Quantum Mechanics so they can't deride it.


  • Geeks are aware of their geekdom, for the most part.
  • Some nerds/geeks/whatevers are quite antisocial and may not want to talk to you at all. Do not be touchy - they are the way they are. At least they know pi to 294 decimal places!
  • Good luck - be strong!


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooo, shiny new! I approve. Orange rules. Plus, it's like my former blog's design.

Copy cat. I'm suing.

November 12, 2007 at 10:21 AM  
Blogger John James said...

you can't sue a free skin I found online. meh! :-p

I do like the new skin. It's nice and makes better use of the space available.

November 12, 2007 at 10:23 AM  

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