Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Events in the National Library of Ireland.


In celebration of the 20th anniversary of Newsplan Ireland, the cooperative preservation project of newspapers in Ireland, the spring issue of NLI NEWS is dedicated to newspapers, the most heavily used Library collection. It will look at the Newsplan project itself and include articles on changing trends in print and online Irish newspapers, 18th century Irish papers and the value of newspapers as a research source. A digital copy of the NLI NEWS is available online at

‘WB Yeats at the National Library of Ireland’ evening course starts next Tuesday, 8 April: Book now to reserve your place!

The popular adult education course, run in conjunction with UCD, begins again at the Library next Tuesday 8 April at 6.15pm. Limited places remain – to book please contact UCD Adult Education at (01) 7167823. Further information is available on our website:

One City, One Book: Month-long exhibition and lecture to celebrate Gulliver’s Travels

One City One Book is organised by Dublin City Libraries to encourage everyone in the city to read the same book during the month of April. The project promotes reading in a city which boasts one of the world’s greatest literary heritages including four Nobel Laureates. The book which has been selected for this year’s festival is Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift.

During the month of April rare Swift material, translations and illustrated publications of Gulliver’s Travels will be on display in the Library’s main building on Kildare Street. On 17 April at 1pm, Professor Andrew Carpenter of the School of English, University College Dublin will give a lecture on Jonathan Swift and Gulliver’s Travels. All are welcome and no booking is required.

More information is available online at

Library Late: Are foreign correspondents becoming an endangered species?

Join Myles Dungan and a panel of well-known journalists on Monday 21 April for the last of this season’s Library Late series, where the future of the foreign correspondent will be discussed. For more information on what promises to be a lively debate, see our website:

The Hollywood Librarian: a look at librarians through film

To mark UNESCO’s World Book and Copyright Day on Wednesday 23 April, the Library will host a free public screening of The Hollywood Librarian at 7pm in its Seminar Room. More information is available at:

Sources for Irish Family History

A free series of genealogy lectures will be held at the Library at the end of this month. The lectures, sponsored by TIARA (The Irish Ancestral Research Association), will focus on lesser-used nineteenth-century records. Admission is free and all are welcome to attend. For more information, please see:

Current exhibitions at the Library

Yeats continues at the Library’s main building on Kildare Street while Strangers to Citizens runs in 2/3 Kildare Street. The National Photographic Archive’s current exhibition, Beyond the Pale, will run at the Library’s Temple Bar premises until the end of May.

The National Photographic Archive’s acclaimed travelling exhibition Island Life will be on display shortly at the James Hardiman Library, NUI Galway. It will run there from 14 April – 18 July 2008.

For more information about these exhibitions, including how to visit, please see our website

Bealtaine: Celebrating creativity in older age…events in May

To mark Bealtaine, the annual festival celebrating creativity in older age, the Library will host a number of creative storytelling and reminiscence workshops during May. Further information will be available closer to the time on our website: and from the Library’s Education and Outreach Department.

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