Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Human Rights Education For a Sustainable Future: Call for Papers

Via Equal-L

Human Rights Education For a Sustainable Future

Celebrating 60 years of the UDHR

St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra

Host: Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education

19th and 20th September 2008


This conference aims to explore how the vision and principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights can contribute to education provision. There will be a particular focus on how human rights concerns - local and global - can be addressed in education systems. The main target groups include teachers, teacher educators, and educationalists. The conference will seek to build on the work that has already been done in advancing Human Rights Education (HRE) in Ireland. Keynote speakers for the Conference include:

The World Programme for Human Rights Education was jointly prepared by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2004. Focusing on provision for HRE in primary and secondary school systems, this plan identifies five “components” for HRE provision and names specific measures that can be taken in respect of each component. These components are:

  • Education policies
  • Planning for policy implementation
  • The learning environment
  • Teaching and learning
  • Education and professional development for teachers and other educational personnel.

Proposals for papers and workshops relating to any of the above themes are invited from lecturers, teachers, researchers, activists and policy-makers for this event which revisits one of the seminal documents of the 20th Century. Accepted proposals and papers will be considered for inclusion in a special publication after the event.

Participants are invited to submit a 250 word abstract or contact the organiser with paper or workshop proposals.

    1. Concurrent Paper Sessions (Sessions will be 90 minutes in length, with each individual given 30 minutes to present their paper and field questions)

These will be organised around papers on one or another of the conference themes. Each session will allow sufficient time for discussion of a paper of up to 5000 words in length.

2. Workshop (a presentation of minimum 45 minutes)

Ideas can be presented in an alternative format such as performance, audio/visual, facilitated discussion or structured learning activities. We would especially like to encourage teachers, schools and NGOs to present their projects on Citizenship and Human Rights in a variety of ways.

Abstracts of no more than 250 words, giving your name and contact details, title and abstract should be sent, no later than 1 May to Brian Ruane: Brian.Ruane@spd.dcu.ie

Conference Website: www.spd.dcu.ie/chrce
Via Equal-L

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