Friday, April 4, 2008

A Season of Change.

Damien Mulley has a loverly new site dedicated to the Fine Gael leader, Dep. Enda Kenny T.D. Anybody smell a Fine Gael leadership contest? It certainly appears to be the season for it. After all since the General Election last year, Labour has changed from Pat Rabbittee to Eamon Gilmore, the Progressive Democrats have gone from Michael McDowell to having no seat, back to Mary Harney to whoever wants the job in 3wks time. Fianna Fail will loose Bertie on the 6th May with the probable replacement with Brian Cowen. The Greens lost Trevor Seargant and gained John Gormley. Yes it has been quiet the year for leadership changes within the Irish political sphere, perhaps it is definitely time for a Fine Gael leadership race.


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