Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bleeding Trains.

The use of a mobile phone is prohibited in some train company carriagesImage via Wikipedia

WELL this place has been a little quiet for the last couple of weeks. First off apologies for that. Such is the joys of starting a new full time job and attempting to complete a Thesis for the round up of my Masters. Needless to say, I will not be discussing what or where exactly I am currently working on this particular forum both for my privacy and also to have a distinction between my two roles; that of my own Commentator, with my own opinions on this forum and my new Position which I am enjoying immensely.

With regards the thesis, chapter 1 has been completed and it was less of an ordeal than I had expected-who would have guessed. I am currently in the midst of dealing with Chapter 2 and I am up to my eyes in Sylvia Walbie, TH Marshall and Iris Marion Young and the topic of citizenship. In case you didn’t get the hint, the thesis revolves around the theme of Citizenship but more particularly the complicated nature of what and how citizenship values come about, by whom they are ascribed and why they are an effective tool of control for the management of a nation-state, in my case Ireland. There will be more about this over the course of the summer as my thoughts become even more focused and I need a sounding board for them! J Be advised any and all input will be graciously received.

As I write this, I am currently on a train from Limerick to Dublin on my pre-booked train seat. (FYI you can now book a student return ticket online AND reserve your seat. This is quite novel as it was not the case for the four years I was in the University of Limerick! The CIE representative did not share my enthusiasm for this information but nevertheless It is marvellous news!) . So what is my post about today. Well there has been many stories floating around the nation in the last number of weeks; “Lisbon”, Mobile Phone usage, the new Coke Cola Ad campaign in Dublin-if you have not seen the adverts See here for “the Coke side of Dublin” campaign.

All of the above, whilst worthy topics to discuss in their own right do not grab any ire from me right now. Instead let us focus on public transport etiquette. As I speak today I have already had run-ins with people’s lack of etiquette on trains. Can I just say now loud and clear, that I really do not want to a party to a Conference call that you are having between you, the person opposite you and the person who is on the phone. Nor does the rest of the carriage. I honestly do not care about what you did last night, nor do I care that you left your t-shirt behind or that you have no idea where Earlsfort terrace is. I really don’t care. Why you think I care is beyond me because it is an incredibly boring mundane conversation that I am perfectly able to make myself with my friend that does not involve discussing and involving the whole train carriage!

Secondly; There are reserved tickets over the seats for a reason. No I am not a snob, I am just that organised. In these frugal times, one is able to avail of a certain amount of limited saving by booking online and reserving a seat. Do not judge me because I ask you to move from the seat I have reserved!

So that is all at the moment. Yes I am sure I will be accused of glass houses etc. I really don’t care because when you do public transport, you accept that some of your private space is somewhat impinged upon by the actions of other private actors also availing of the public amenity. However as we all have to engage with each other on the train, please have a certain amount of respect and know that there is an etiquette for a reason.

Thankfully we are nearly near
Dublin so I will not have to endure much more of this Conversation….That is until I get on the LUAS........

Zemanta Pixie

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

On citizenship, you may like to know about this accessible and recently published scholarship:

June 25, 2008 at 3:27 PM  

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