Thursday, February 14, 2008

LGBT Noise Event: Give Some Love to Bertie.

I went along to LGBT Noise's event this afternoon outside Government buildings on Kildare Street. Initially I thought I was going mad because there was a second protest going on there as well and well I didn't recognise anybody in that group as being apart of the Noise team! However, we found the team just past the gates an they were just bringing over the very very tall Card, which you can see here. Tv3 arrived and did some filming and the guys and gals were on Pat Kenny's Today Show, this morning at 10.25 (I tried to find a link for a podcast but so far nothing is showing on the RTE Radio 1 site). They played a blinder on that and gave a very good interview relating their own experiences and why they are very much behind the Gay Civil Marriage campaign.

But back to this afternoon. lots of photos taken with lots and lots of photographers-I did end up jumping for picture, however i was wearing formal shoes(ie clicky pavement shoes) & I might add that formal shoes are not designed for jumping high in the air and landing on a hard footpath. It's not good for the feet! Anyways. we waited for somebody to come out to collect the card. Unfortunately, there was no member of the Dail or the Seanad available to collect the card in person from the gates of Leinster House. Thankfully [sic] a member from the Taoiseach's department arrived at 2pm to collect the card from the Noise team and we watched as he brought the card through security and up into Government Buildings. It was quiet amusing see a 5'3" Card with lots of personal messages of love for An Taoiseach being brought into the house.

The crowd dispersed after that, and it was quiet a nice turnout-As always it would be nice if there was more people were available to actual partake. I mean surely to goodness, if you are able to come to a Pride Parade and Pride nights' out in June, you are able to spend 20 minutes of your time in support of something that will help both you in the long run but also those who need this recognition of their love now. Nobody ever gets anything handed to them in life, Sometimes you actually have to go out and be proactive. Yes it can be quiet daunting but all new experiences are daunting and scary and it is all the more so when you are challenging a discriminatory policy of the State. I mean it is the State after all, that being which is all knowing and never makes mistakes and dictates how the lives of its citizens should be, usually without consulting those citizens who its all knowing policies affect the most. Getting involved in a campaign of any nature does not mean you have to be in the front line-and that can be quiet an issue when it comes to LGBT campaigns, I know, I've been there. I remember five years ago being too scared to sign a petition on the Blood Ban by the IBTS, "just in case". However the background operations are just as important as frontline operations. It ensures that the workload does not become too intense for all concerned and a couple of hours of your time helps a campaign overall. Besides, its not like you won't be able to see the ombnibus of Hollyoaks or Corrie at the weekend anyway.
Anyway for those of you who will be in Dublin this evening, there will be a debate in the Front Lounge, Parliament Street discussing Gay Civil Marriage with Neil Watkins as MC. Should be interesting and I hope to get along tonight.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there,

I found the final paragraph of your piece ironically apt:

In fact, I only found your piece tonight - and LGBT Noise's website - while Googling this afternoon's event because the only thing I had heard about it was a snippet from this morning's headlines (which by then, unfortunately, was too late).

The thing is, I agree with what you've said in your last paragraph; but I couldn't join the protest as I hadn't heard that it was going on.

I think LGBT Noise and the new MarriageEquality groups need to try to get their message out more, as much as possible, to get the word out to average LGBT people. For example, forums and message boards, as well as social networking spaces. (Maybe they are, but I haven't seen anything yet, or heard from friends.)

I think the support is there, and the new campaign is to be applauded, but they need to actively reach out to people.

February 14, 2008 at 10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Noise event was advertised on the Noise website( and through emails sent to their member database, on the Facebook and Bebo accounts, on the GCN website, in the printed GCN version (February edition) and on most of the forums (GCN, QueerID, Gaire). It really is up to gay people to take an active approach to becoming involved. Everybody in "gay activism", like the people who attended the event outside the Dáil, took this step and became active. Sign up and take part. It is that easy!!

February 15, 2008 at 1:07 AM  

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